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Great Ideas (TEDTalk)

时间:2012/3/15 11:03:28    浏览次数:884     

What Leads to Success (Rochardst John, 2005) (Tedtalk)
What Leads to Success
(11.676 Mb)


If I Run the Internet (Rives) (TedTalk)
If I Run the Internet--Rive (TedTalk)
(14.166 Mb)


A 3-minute Story of Mixed Symbols (Rives) (TedTalk)
A 3-minute Story of Mixed Symbols (TedTalk)
(12.724 Mb)


The Power of Saying Thank You (Laura Trice) (TedTalk)
The Power of Saying Thank You (TedTalk)
(11.666 Mb)


Does Happiness Has a Price (Benjamin Wallace, 2008) (TedTalk)
Does Happiness Has a Price (TedTalk)
(48.746 Mb)


On Emotion (Tony Robbins, 2006) (Tedtalk)
On Emotion
(74.317 Mb)


Classical Music with Shining Eyes (Benjamin Zander) (TedTalk)
Classical Music with Shining Eyes (TedTalk)
(68.857 Mb)


Lead Like the Great Conductors (Itay Talgam) (Tedtalk)
Lead Like the Great Conductors
(77.499 Mb)


How I'm Trying to Change the World (Bill Gates) (Tedtalk)
How I Try to Change the World (Tedtalk)
(64.361 Mb)


The Future We will Ctreate (Jamais Cascio, 2006) (Tedtalk)
Tools for Building a Better World (tedtalk)
(53.386 Mb)

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